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社評0824 政客络繹不絕上門拜訪

社評0824     政客络繹不絕上門拜訪


由於美國正在選舉熱潮階段, 近月來前來美南新聞探訪之政客非常多。他們主要是想上媒體電視和華亞裔社區拉票捐款, 其中以現任赫里斯郡書記何利令人好奇, 他主要是要競選休斯敦市之財務長, 也就是撑管錢的錢櫃, 大約六十億美元左右。

這位年輕之非裔政治人物 ,曾經在2020 年疫情期間成功地舉辦了投票活動, 由於川普在大選中不承認敗選, 引起了非常大的困擾和爭議。

我們談到目前休斯敦之財政預算是處於赤字況狀, 收支無法平衡 ,真是巧婦難為無米之炊 ,這真是極大之挑戰。

休市大部份預算都花在警察治安方面, 由於幅沿闊廣 ,治安是市民最急廹之訴求 ,不論何人上台, 都是第一要務。

何利要成為史上最年輕之非裔官員, 似乎勝券在握, 民調領先且並捐款也不落人後, 加上早年在政壇上之歷練,看來是我們明日之政治明星。

In This Political Season We Greeted Many Politicians

In recent months, many political candidates came to visit our office. Mainly, we invited them for a TV interview and met many Asian community leaders, including Chris Hollis who wants to run for city controller. 

This young politician once held the post of Harris County Clerk and ran for office during the time of the 2020 presidential election. It was a very difficult job, especially in the Covid 19 period. 

We talked about the budget of the city which about $5.2 billion dollars which is in a deficit. Over the last several years, most of the budget has been spent on the police department with public safety being the most important issue for all of us. 

Chris Hollis is leading in the polls with his experience in the city and Harris County politics. He should be the winner to be the next controller.