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來自全美國各地的李氏宗親數百位代表, 今午到達芝加哥華埠 ,參加第二十四屆懇親大會 ,到處是大家熟悉的廣東鄉音和英語, 這場大团圓聚會代表了華夏文化在海外之強大力量 。

整個大會要開上四天, 其中包括來自各地之李氏信用會 ,多年來許多初到美國之李氏宗親都皆獲得信用貸款,度過了新移民之艱辛歲月。

全美李氏宗親之歷史已逾百年之久 ,是全美最大的宗親組織。 在各大城市也擁有祖產 ,是維持經濟穩定之主要力量 ,那些非常有遠見之元老們 ,為後代奠定了衣食無虞之基礎 。

今天我們放眼望去, 許多李氏之二三代已經是人才輩出, 他們已經走出了華埠唐人街 ,許多對於長輩們之距離疏遠了, 這是他們和傳統僑社歡集一堂之時機。

芝加哥是美國第三大城, 這裡是中部各種工商業重鎮。 華人移居已近百年之久, 華埠人來人往, 到處都是鄉音, 商家生意興隆, 是前人種樹後人乘涼之最佳寫照。

The Lee Family Members Are In Chicago 

Hundreds of members of the Lee family are here in the Chicago Chinatown to attend the 24th annual convention which is held every three years.

Members of the Lee family from San Francisco, Houston, New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland are here with a total of ten different cities being represented. The local Lee's also came here for this convention. Most of them are of an older generation and they came here when they were very young. After many decades, most of them are very successful in many fields.

I am so glad to be here in Chicago to attend this meeting. We have been publishing the Chicago Chinese newspaper for almost fifty years now and we are very close to the community here.

After so many years, most of the younger generation have become professionals. This is an opportunity for them to be connected to the Lee family. This tradition is really a great event and a special opportunity to meet each other.

Chicago is third largest city in America. It is very important to this country because many large industries are here