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社評 0831 欣見台北市蔣市長訪問上海

社評 0831  欣見台北市蔣市長訪問上海


由蔣萬安市長率領的台北代表團近日正在上海参加雙城論壇大會, 我們在此表示衷心之祝福。 

蔣萬安市長是蔣家第四代最具代表性之人物, 他早年畢業於國立政治大學外交系,留學美國並取得法學博士及律師資格, 他不惜放棄高薪回台從政, 當選為立法委員後並高票當選為台北市市長。

以蔣市長之年齡 ,他出身在台灣長大成人, 他們和國共兩黨之鬥爭可說是毫無關聯。 但是蔣市長對於兩岸和平發展展現了強烈之情懐,這次到訪上海是令人鼓舞, 希望開啟一條互通互信之路, 為海峽兩岸之和平帶來龧光。

老實說,國共之爭已早在七十多年前之事了, 代表那一代的政治人物早已離世, 而新生如蔣市長完全是新的一代 ,他們和前輩們之恩怨應是無關 。

看看今天的世界, 台海附近兵兇戰危, 中美不斷相互較勁, 日本公然把幅射水往海里倒, 戰火仍然在蔓延。 世界經濟面臨嚴峻形勢, 許多政客和政論者不斷叫囂中國大陸經濟快完蛋了, 我們要問, 如果他們說的是對的, 哪週邊國家尤其是台灣也沒有好日子過了。

蔣市長此行希望他真正和大陸方面進行交流溝通, 也許你就是大家的希望。

The Mayor Of Taipei Visits Shanghai

The Taipei delegation led by the Mayor of Taipei Wen An Chiang  visited Shanghai to attend the Twin Cities Forum. We are here to express our heartfelt blessings. 

Mayor Chiang is the fourth generation of the Chiang family. He graduated from the National Chengchi University and later studied in the United States and obtained a doctorate degree and a lawyer's license. He gave up his high pay and returned to Taiwan and won a seat in the legislature. Then he finally won the vote and became the Mayor of Taipei.

At his age, he was born in Taiwan and grew up there. The struggle between the KMT and the communist party in China is irrelevant. But he has shown a very strong will for a peaceful development for the two sides of the strait. This visit to Shanghai is very encouraging. We hope he can open the road of mutual trust and bring a light of peace to both sides. 

To be honest, the struggle between the KMT and the communist party has been going on for more than 75 years. Most of the old politicians have already passed away and the new generation has nothing to do with the past. 

Today the world is still in chaos. We hope Mayor Chiang will bring some rays of light to our future.