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社評0908 歷史是不可忘記

社評0908  歷史是不可忘記


週二傍晚我和楊寶華兄來到飛虎隊陳納德將軍之孫麥可位於休斯敦西北區的家, 當我們到達時,他緊握著雙手連說好久不見了。

為了慶祝中秋節之到來, 華人社團每年都舉辦大型文藝晚會和聚餐, 並且非常隆重的表揚一位對中美傳統友誼有貢獻的美籍人士, 今天特別選中了陳納德將軍之孫麥可, 表揚他們家族對抗日戰爭之極大貢獻。

 麥可告訴我們說,去年十一月他們家族成員曾經到我的家鄉雲南昆明參加了陳納德將軍纪念館之開幕典禮, 他站在其祖父銅像前之照片,簡直是判若同一個人, 其遺傳基因之雷同 令人非常驚奇。

麥可從他的書房中抽台了陳納德將軍給愛子麥可父親的親筆信,字跡還十分清𥇦, 這數十封郵件来自抗戰時之上海,後來有許多是從台北郵寄出來, 字里行間 ,令人非常感動。

抗日戰爭這段悲壯之歷史, 記銾着中美兩國牢不可破之友誼, 不論世事如何變遷 ,歷史絕不可忘却 。

History Should Never Be Forgotten 

Last Tuesday night, Kevin Yang came to Mike Chennault ‘s home. Mike is the grandson of General Chennault of the Flying Tigers which helped China fight in the Japanese war. When we arrived, we hugged each other and said, "Long time no see."

In order to celebrate the mid-Autumn Festival, the Asian community holds a very large gala, not just to celebrate the arrival of autumn, but also to give awards to the people who have contributed to friendship between the U.S. and China. 

Mike told me that last November their family went back to China to attend the ceremony of General Chennault’s Memorial Hall opening. The photo of Mike standing in front of his grandpa's bronze statue simply looked like the same person. 

Mike also showed us a handwritten letter from the general sent to Mike’s father. These dozens of letters were mailed out from Shanghai and Taipei. The content of them was very touching.

The tragic history of the anti-Japanese war reminds us of the unbreakable friendship between China and the U.S. No matter how much the world changes, history must never be forgotten.