社評0911 我們的共同重要時刻 -環球第一銀行之誕生

二O二三年九月九日這個重要的日子, 我們這群來自世界角落的移民及數百位好友把休斯敦馬莉亞大酒店擠得水洩不通。 為了慶祝環球第一銀行的誕生, 我們大家舉杯共慶, 過去五年來之努力和奮戰, 終於開拓了一條金融銀行之路。
每個人在其人生中會有不同之重要時刻, 這些時刻塑造了成為今天的自已, 會在我們的回憶中永存。
從我孩提時代,在非常年輕時就投入職場。過去數十載之歲月, 幾乎都得到上天之祈福, 在最危急時刻總能峯廻路轉, 化險為夷, 一次次渡過難關。 超過一百五十位的投資人給予我們之付託,多少次因主客觀條件無法通過執照申請。 但是 我們還是堅持到底, 終於成功取得銀行營業牌照, 回想起幾年來之煎熬和艱難 ,成了我此生最深刻之記憶。
今天也是911 災難之日子, 在這個改變世界的重大事件, 已經過去了二十二年, 當天我們在舊金山參加全美李氏公所年會, 當時風聲鹤唳, 似乎是世界末日之到來。
休斯敦的初秋仍然炎熱, 秋天是𠆤豐收之季節。 我們祝福大家怀著靜謐之心境及堅強之毅力迎向未來。
Our Common Important Moment
--The Birth Of Global One Bank
On the day of September 9, 2023, our group of businessmen and hundreds of friends from all the corners of the world squeezed into a hotel banquet room in Houston, Texas, to celebrate the birth of Global One Bank. It was a five-year battle, and we finally did it.
Everyone will have different important moments in their life. For sure, this is a special moment for all of our founders and will be forever a part our memories.
Since I was a child, I have been in a workplace since I was 19 years old. In the most critical moments, I can always make a turn in the road and avoid danger, overcoming difficulties again and again. More than 150 investors have entrusted us to make our dream come true. Looking back on the suffering and hardships of the past few years, this has become one of the deepest memories of our life.
Today is also the day of the 9/11 disaster. Twenty-two years have passed since this major event changed the world. On that day, I was in San Francisco attending the national Lee’s convention. At that time, it really seemed like the end of the world.
The early autumn in Houston is still very hot. This is the harvest season. We send all of you our best wishes for a very peaceful life.