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社評0923 美南電視轉台了

社評0923 美南電視轉台了


為了因應新媒體時代之來臨 美南電視,從今天開始𨍭到21.8 頻道, 並且正在積極安排數位電視在未來全面上線 ,希望和全球觀眾見面。

美南新聞自一九七九年在德州創刊以來, 經過數十年之艱苦奮鬥, 我們已經成為在全美唯一土生土長之華亞裔媒體集團。 從美南日報發展為電媒、印刷、 文化、貿易、多媒體一直到最近開幕的環球第一銀行, 我們今後將會把金融和媒體文化貿易全面結合,相互依存, 成為世代相傳之永恆事業。

我們要再度感激大家多年來之愛護和支持, 服務社區和提高華裔在海外之後地位是我們永不改變之信念。

科技之突飛猛進,美南媒體全面數位化 ,請大家拭目以待。

STV Has Changed To Channel 21.8 

Starting today, we have changed our STV television station channel 15.3 to a digital broadcast format on 21.8 for a better quality reception that means an improved viewing experience for all our viewers.   

We are dedicated to improving our broadcast service and will continue to serve our community.

 Since 1979 when we started as a local Asian weekly newspaper, we have grown to be one of largest Asian media groups in America. From our newspaper to our TV station, social media, printing trade services and our banking business, we are very happy that this growth and development has given us a strong base from which we can successfully incorporate our Media and Financial businesses together.

We are taking this opportunity to express our appreciation to all of our colleagues, readers and viewers who have given us their help and support over the years so that we can continue to serve you for a better future.

The world is changing and so are we. We need your support to continue to successfully serve our community.