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社評0929 國際貿易中心舉辦台北投資美國座談會

社評0929    國際貿易中心舉辦台北投資美國座談會



今天下午在台北市信義路舉辦了一場投資美國座談會, 來自工商及學術界人士共同硏討目前投資美國之最新狀態, 並得到台北旅遊工會馬潮主席之鼎力協助。

專程從休斯敦趕來的前赫里斯郡郡長艾柯在會中特別闡述了如何到美國去投資 ,尤其是德州有非常優惠政策, 無論傳統製造業及高科技都有特別之投資政策 ,而且德州是目前美國經濟最亮眼的一州 。

來自洛杉磯的連鎖店投資專家謝宗煌在會上暢談在美國從事連鎖店之情況,他成功地引進許多亞洲品牌在美國落地, 目前是非常適合前往投資之良機。

經營太空教育十八年的年輕教育企業家劉悼宇,在會上介紹了他多年來和休斯敦太空中心聯手,在全世界二十二個國家推展太空訓練營, 成千上萬之年輕人曾經在休斯敦學習太空方面之知識。

我在會上介紹过去二十一年來, 國際貿易中心在推動美國德州和世界各國之經驗文化貿易交流, 此行已經訪問了馬來西亞、 新加坡並建立非常良好之關係。 

亞洲各國之經濟具有很大之發展潛力, 尤其是東盟各國有年輕勞動力之優勢, 而且物產豐富 ,是下世紀全球之經貿重心。

我們結束了近兩星期之行程, 結識許多各界精英領袖, 今後必將繼續開拓共同交流活動之空間。

ITC's Asian Business Tour

"Investing In America" 

Today we held an "Investing in America" seminar in the City of Taipei. Many local business leaders and scholars were in attendance.

Former Harris County Judge Robert   Eckels made a special trip to Taipei and told the audience how to make the best investment in America, especially in Texas. We are now the best economic spot in America. He pointed out that Asian businesses should consider moving part of their operations to the United States to diversified their markets.

Mr. Mark Hsieh is a franchise business specialist and explained the process of doing business in America. He also bought many Asian franchises when he came to America.

Another young educator, James Liu, presented information on his Space Center Camp that he has been doing for last eighteen years. More than 22 countries have sent their young students to Houston to join the space camp to learn more about the space center program.

In conclusion, I summarized the function of the Houston International Trade Center over the last twenty years. We held many trade missions around the world to promote the trade and cultural relationships between Texas and many countries. 

On this trade mission we visited Malaysia and Singapore and Taipei was our last city.

We are so grateful that we met so many local business and community leaders to continue to promote our relationships.