社評0930 聯邦政府關門?

如果國會在今天午夜前無法達成聯邦政府之預算案, 美國政府可能再次面臨關門之命運。 數百萬聯邦員工將無法領到薪水, 真是令人十分頹喪和無奈之事。
共和黨籍的國會議長麥卡錫昨天週五仍然無法說服同黨人士達成協議 , 他同時將面對民主黨議員要他下台之威脅。
假如聯邦政府停擺, 立即對空中交通及政府之許多運作受到重大影響。
國會參眾兩院今天將繼續開會來面對這項危機 。
對執政的民主黨而言, 目前之預算和共和黨之想法相去甚遠, 尤其是在邊界安全方面, 共和黨主張嚴防非法移民進入。
早在2019, 川普時代聯邦政府曾經關閉了一個月之久。
我們要非常遺憾地指出, 今天政府面臨之問題非常之多, 主要是兩黨信念不同, 形成立法上之重大歧見, 於是造成對國家之極大傷害。
希望今天午夜前能夠達成協議, 不要給領導世界之大國帶來對世界之傷害。
The shutdown of the Federal Government looms
If Congress fails to reach a federal budget before midnight today, the U.S. government may once again face the challenge of shutting down. It is very frustrating that millions of federal employees would not be able to receive their paychecks.
Republican Speaker of Congress McCarthy was still unable to persuade his colleagues to reach an agreement yesterday. He is facing threats to step down from Democratic lawmakers.
If so, it would immediately have a significant impact on air traffic control and many government operations.
The House and Senate will continue to meet today to face this crisis.
For the Democratic Party in power, the current budget is far from the proposal of the Republicans, especially in terms of border security. The Republicans iterate to implement strict policies on illegal immigration.
Back in 2019, the federal government was shut down for a month during the Trump administration.
We would like to point out that there are so many problems the government is facing today, mainly due to the different beliefs of the two parties, which led to major divergence in the legislature, and also has caused great harm to the country.