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社評 1006 德州富豪登上全美四百名單

社評 1006 德州富豪登上全美四百名單


根據富比士雜誌最近公佈之全美四百位億萬富翁排行,其中德州佬佔了四十五位。 包括排名一百一十四名的火箭隊老闆佛蒂達, 他的事業涵蓋旅舍、餐廳和賭埸, 他的財產估計是八十億美元。

這名傳奇富豪年輕時從休斯敦大學輟學後即開始創業開餐廳, 即便是個逃學生,他在二O O九年擔任了校董會主席並協助在2022年創辦了休大醫學院。 

另外一位富豪是HEB 老闆拔特, 他把家庭事業從年輕時就經營得有聲有色 ,這家連鎖雜貨店是德州最大之連鎖企業 ,他本人之市值是七十六億美金。

這兩位出生在德州之億萬富豪有一個共同點,就是從大學未畢業前就開始創業 ,经過數十年之歴練,在他們所從事之行業中已經是非常熟悉, 並且在自己行業中繼續茁壯发展。

他們在功成名就之時, 也變成了一個大慈善家, 不但熱心公益並創設醫學院,為此地區培訓更多的醫務人員。

我們慶幸美國社會仍然有如此多的慈善及企業家 ,他們是支撐整個社會發展之重要支柱。

國內外情勢正面對諸多挑戰, 包括未來之經濟問題, 但是我們深信這個藏富於民之國家應該可以面對危機。


 The Richest Men In Texas 

According to the Forbes Magazine list of the 400 richest people in America, there are 45 Texas billionaires among them.

Houston Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta’s net worth is $8 billion, which ranked him No. 114 on the list. His business ventures include restaurants, hotel and casinos. 

Fertitta started his business career after he dropped out of the University of Houston. Later he became the UH System's Chairman of the Board of Regents and helped to open the medical school at UH. 

Other Texans who made to the list include former Chairman of HEB Charles Butt, whose net worth is at $7.6 billion. Forbes ranked him at No. 12. HEB has became very successful and has made close to $39 billion in revenue.

Both of these Texans started their career at a very early young age. They were very concentrated on what they were doing. They gained a lot of experience in their work and became experts in their fields. 

Today we still depend on many top businessmen who became part of our nation’s strong economic force, and  because they are still hardworkers, their efforts and dedication make it possible for our country to move forward. We all thank them for what they have contributed to our society.