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社評 1012 休斯敦房屋貸款產創23年新高

社評 1012   休斯敦房屋貸款產創23年新高



數字顯示,九月份休斯敦房屋交易量下降了百分之十點九, 而房價平均數字仍然在四十一萬元左右 。上個月房屋三十年貸款利率高達百分之七點四九,是二十三年新高。 和二年前的百分之二點九九相比,三十三萬元之房屋貸款每月增加了七百三十九元之負擔。

由於通貨膨脹物價高升。 聯邦儲蓄銀行加息情形不明是造成購房者纏足不前之原因。


地產是我們經濟重要之指標和支柱, 房地產業之興旺可以帶動百業之活力。對中產階級而言, 擁有自己的房產住宅是最基本之條件。

目前世界情勢混亂, 俄烏之戰未息,又加上哈馬斯對以色列襲擊引發之動亂,這將會影響石油及其他物資之緊張。

如此情勢之惡化, 對一般人而言,安居樂業真是𠆤奢望了。

Mortgage Rates Have Reached A 23-Year High 

There was a wide selection of homes in the Houston area last month, but not enough buyers. Homes sales in Houston have dropped 10.9%, according to the Realtors Association. 

The average Houston home price figures today are at $416.000. The average 30-year mortgage last week was at 7.49%. This is a 23-year high compared with two years ago. Borrowers will now pay an average of $739 dollars more per month.

With deep concern with the higher rate, industry trade groups already are asking the FED to not raise the interest rate again.

The housing market is the most important sector of our economy. Middle class families must own their homes and then the market will affect our economy in many positive ways.

With the wars going on in both the Ukraine and the Middle East, we don't see any peace in the near future. These wars will only keep  everything going up in price.

The Texas economy is one of the best in the nation. We want to point out that the interest rate must come down in order to keep our economy growing.