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社評1017 拜登總統即將訪問以色列

社評1017   拜登總統即將訪問以色列


為了拯救中東嚴重戰亂, 解除可能引發大戰之可能,  拜登總統不顧安全明天週三啟程前往以色列訪問, 希望就以巴衝突及加薩地區數百萬人面臨之飢寒危機進行外交努力。

國務卿布林肯宣佈了拜登總統之以色列行程, 美國並將派遣二千名來協助以色列解決醫療及運輸困難,  據稱這些海軍陸戰隊已經準備登入以色列領海。

我們樂見拜登總統在此危機時刻, 前往以色列解決該國和哈馬司在加薩走廊之死結 。如果地面步隊進入該地區必然會造成嚴重死傷, 更會導致以色列和回教伊斯蘭教之更大仇恨。

目前美國在烏克蘭和中東面臨兩大危機, 加上中俄伊朗等國關係之惡化, 將會導致世界更大之分裂, 這對美國未來掌握世界情勢有嚴重挑戰 。

被哈馬斯擄走之各國人質正在引起各國政府高度擔憂, 美國政府已經說服以色列容許把救濟物資運送到加薩走廊 ,解除難民們饑寒交廹之窘境。

寄望拜登總統此行能達成和平任務, 讓成千上萬之無辜能活下來。

President Biden Will Visit Israel Tomorrow

As Gaza is being strangled by Israel’s weeklong siege, President Biden has decided to visit Israel. This diplomatic effort plans to address the ongoing crisis, including putting pressure on Israel to open a humanitarian corridor to Gaza via Egypt.

The Pentagon has ordered 2,000 troops to prepare for potential deployment to Israel for medical and logistical support. 

We are very happy to see that President Biden is going to Israel at this time of crisis to solve the death knell between the Muslims and Israelis. If Israel invades Gaza, it will inevitably cause serious casualties which will only lead to greater hatred between Israel and Hamas. 

At the present time, we are facing two major crises in both Ukraine and the Middle East as well as the deterioration of the relationships with Russia, China and Iran which can only lead to greater divisions on the world stage which poses serious challenges for the United States to hold together the failing world situation in the near future. 

The United States is the only country that can put pressure on Israel to change their mind. We hope President Biden’s trip will achieve a peace mission so that thousands of innocent people can survive.