社評1020 美國將撥款一千億軍援

拜登總統昨晚在對全國發表的電視演說中表示, 他將向國會提出給予以色列和烏克蘭一千億軍援。 他表示目前中東情勢正處於殘酷狀況,哈馬司在十月七日以来对以色列突襲殺害了一千四百名以色列人民, 而以色列之報復行動造成巴勒斯坦三千八百人死亡, 而且以色列對加薩走廊之攻佔可能就在眉睫。
拜登總統再次指責不能让普丁總統之侵畧行為得𢌥, 他說哈馬司及普丁都是企圖殲滅我們的民主。
在國會群龍無首之情況下, 議長一職無法產生。 目前美國是在雙面受敵之窘境下, 由於猶太裔在美國各界之強大势力, 迫使拜登誓死要保衛以色列, 因此不𢣷戰火前往以色列訪問。
拜登一千億之軍援, 是否可以確保兩國之安全,對一般老百姓而言, 這一千億納稅人之錢是否得當, 也是個大問號。
在亞洲 ,包括俄羅斯在內的一百五十多𠆤國家正在參加中國主導之一帶一路高峯會, 這和中東及歐洲目前進行中之戰爭狀態真是強烈對比。
我們眼看世界兩大陣營已經形成, 是禍是福有賴當政者之智慧了。
$100 Billion In Military Aid
President Biden addressed the nation last night and asked for $100 billion dollars in military aid for both Israel and Ukraine. The Middle East has entered a horrific new phase since Hamas killed over 1,400 Israelis in a surprise attack on Oct. 7. The Israeli reprisals have killed 3,800 Palestinians.
Biden said, “Hamas and Russia's President Putin both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy."
The bedrock of Biden's remarks was to stress the importance of America's leadership in the world that is suffering with two wars at this critical time.
Today all of us are very worried about the world situation and the absence of a leader in Congress, and most importantly, whether the $100 billion of taxpayers' money can ensure the security of the two countries now at war.
In Asia more than 150 countries including, Russia’s Putin, are participating in the 'One Belt One Road' meeting that looks like, under the plan, that the world will now be divided into two groups.
Are we ever going to get peace? That depends now on our ruling politicians.