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社評10312023寒風吹襲 細雨濛濛

社評10312023寒風吹襲 細雨濛濛

寒風吹襲 細雨濛濛

今晨出門,一陣寒風吹來, 加上绵绵細雨, 這已經是深秋季節, 這𠆤不平靜的地球, 令人傷感和哀傷, 我們的希望在何處? 世界各地充滿了仇恨、 屠殺和不安 。

烏克蘭戰爭及中東加薩走廊之死傷, 這些慘不忍睹之照片, 犧牲者是無辜平民, 他們是宗教民族仇恨之亡魂 。

緬因州小鎮上被一名退役軍人持槍掃射, 十六人被打死, 數十人受重傷。 這樣之悲劇不斷上演,這已經是严重的社會問題, 精神病患或狅妄之徒已經毫無忌憚殺害無辜, 零元購之強盜大搖大擺抢劫百貨店之珠寶皮包, 這是我們熟悉的美國嗎?

秋是收獲的季節,金黃的時節, 風𥚃充滿着麥浪之氣息, 樹葉也悄悄地換上了新衣裳 ,田耕裡的麥浪,正在忙碌的農民們傳來陣陣歡笑 ,這是果實纍纍收成之時刻, 大雁開始往南飛 ,遠方遊子又在思念回鄉之路。

此時此刻, 多少人在萬物更新之宇宙間享受生活之時刻,但是又有多少苦難者在面對生死之掙扎 。

( 图片来源: 路透社 )

The Cold Wind Blows With A Haunting Drizzle 

This morning when I went outside, a cold wind was blowing with a continuous drizzle. This is already the late autumn season. This restless earth is very sad. So where is our hope? The world is full of hatred, slaughter and uneasiness. 

The Ukraine war and the casualties of the Gaza corridor in the Middle East...these tragic photos are of innocent civilians. 

In a small town in Maine, 16 people were killed and many are seriously still injured. It is a large social problem when many robbers go into a department store and take the jewelry and handbags and just walk freely out the door. Is this the nation we all are familiar with?

Autumn is the golden season of harvest. The wind is full of the breath of the waves of wheat.The trees are changing their colors. Busy farmers are busy with the harvest and the wild geese begin to fly south. People are thinking about going back to their hometown.

At this moment, how many people are really enjoying their lives? But how many people are really fighting for their lives or certain death?