社評1101 休斯敦市長選戰正在加溫中

我們今天面臨的重大挑戰是社會治安及基礎建設兩大議題, 今後四年之父母官必須面對解決, 對於加強經濟發展 ,我們已向新任市長建議早日設置輕工業區 ,向世界招商才是上策。
Houston Mayoral Election Is Heating Up
The early voting for Houston's next mayor and the Harris County bond issue is coming to an end. It is expected that the candidates' victory or defeat will be decided after the general election on November 7.
Elections are the norm for our political system. Every four years there are various elections that will decide who will be our leaders, but according past records, only 15% of the people actually go out and vote.
Both of Houston's mayoral candidates have been veterans of politics for decades. Senator Whitmire served in the Texas legislature for more than 40 years, while Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is a senior member of the United States Congress.
The major challenges we are facing in the city today are public safety and the city's infrastructure. Other than that, we suggest that the new mayor must create a new light industrial zone to attract more new businesses to come to the city to promote new business and create more jobs.