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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評1110 我們為魏明光伉儷善行喝采

社評1110   我們為魏明光伉儷善行喝采


來自台灣母校政治大學之消息, 一九六九年度新聞系畢業的魏明光校友將於下週在木柵本部面見校長李蔡彥, 舉行[政大魏明光卓越發展基金會] 簽約儀式 , 捐贈畢生稹蓄美金一千萬元,  相當於台幣三億二千萬元, 來鼓勵學子向學, 並比照哥倫比亞大學普立茲奬模式 在母校設立「新聞傳播講座」及「𠍇出新聞傳播獎」。

魏明光伉儷在美東地區成功地創建了中餐連鎖店 ,早年負笈密蘇里大學深造, 在他人生的版圖上未能成為新聞人而成功地變成企業及慈善家。

身為政大校友 ,我們對於魏學長之善舉充滿了尊敬和感激,這不止是政大人之光, 也更是華裔美人對社會之表率。

今天在美國許多華亞裔族群都有極優異之成就, 但是能夠捐献上千萬善款者真是鳳毛鱗角 ,何況一千萬美元是魏明光伉儷之終身財富。

我們早年沒有上新聞系 ,到了美國確一生從事新聞傳媒, 今年初在李校長之加持下在德州休斯敦成立了北美政大校友聯合會, 並希望今後為母校成立校友基金會, 追隨魏學長之腳步, 為母校及學弟妹共同盡力。

魏學長 ,請接受我們的祝福,我們為您感到驕傲。

We Applaud Brother Wei Mingkwang For His Good Deeds

Ming kwang Wei who graduated from Taiwan Chiengchi University Department of Journalism in 1969 donated $10 million U.S. dollars to setup a foundation and a news awards program. 

Mr Wei came to America and studied journalism at the University of Missouri, but he never got into the news business. Instead, he founded a very successful restaurant chain and has been philanthropist almost all of his life. 

As Asain alumnus of Chengchi University, we fully respect and are very grateful for the kindness of Senior Wei. This is not the only the light from our university, but also an example of our Asian community in America. 

Today many Asian ethnic groups in the United States have reached excellent levels achievement, but those who want to donate tens of millions of dollars are very rare. 

In the early year of my college life, we didn’t study journalism and spent our whole life in the media business.

Earlier this year, with the support from President Li, we establish the Chengchi University Alumni Association Federation in Houston, Texas. Our goal in setting up the foundation is to help our alma mater graduates and their younger siblings. 

Today we learned that Brother Wei has already put our plan into action. We are very proud of you.