社評1113 歡迎徐佳青委員長到訪

上週在美南新聞總部接待了僑務委員會徐佳青委員長, 她不但接受了電視台之專訪 ,並參觀了我們印刷厰及新成立之環球第一銀行, 我們對這位早年是活躍在台北政壇之名嘴之到訪表示熱烈之歡迎。
美南新聞自創刊以來, 我們本著對社區之服務宗旨, 一直是展現着全面性新聞報導之原則和融入主流社會之努力, 才能建造今天的媒體基礎。
徐委員長早年曾任台北市議員, 主持和參與電視媒體工作, 識人無數, 對社會脈動非常敏銳 ,她能出任此重要職務, 走訪全球各地, 探視僑情定有極大收獲。,
在新聞媒體之崗位上, 我們許多同仁已經貢獻畢生精力, 不畏艱難, 勇往直前, 徐委員長在參觀了我們的各項印刷、 電視、 報紙、 貿易中心及金融機構之後, 我們非常感謝她的光臨和指教。 我們也深信今後繼續稟持愈戰愈勇之精神, 在德州休斯敦國際區建成美南媒體中心, 美南國際貿易中心及美南環球金融中心, 三位為一體之綜合體, 決心為海外美南新聞傳媒事業寫下輝煌之新頁。
Welcoming Minister Hsu’s Visit
Last week Overseas Minister Hsu from Taipei visited our office. She only accepted an exclusive interview and also toured our TV station, printing press and newly established Global One Bank. We warmly welcomed the politician who is very famous in local politics and media circles.
Since we founded Southern News Group, we have always demonstrated the principle of comprehensive news reporting in an effort to integrate into the mainstream of society.
In her early years, Minister Hsu was a city councilwoman in the City of Taipei and also hosted a TV show that became very famous in Taiwan.
She knows countless people and is very sensitive to the social pulses on many issues.
Over the last four decades many of our colleagues have devoted their lifetimes to being a part of our mission. Today we are strongly convinced and united to continue to build our media center, trade center and financial center in our headquarters compound. We are determined to carry our mission forward to write a new chapter in overseas media history.