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美國新冠疫情日記5/27/2020 Police Brutality And Social Injustice

美國新冠疫情日記5/27/2020   Police Brutality And Social Injustice

  Police Brutality And Social Injustice

A man named George Floyd from Houston, Texas, was pushed down to the ground and suffocated by four Minneapolis policemen yesterday. Later he died upon arrival at the hospital.

Thousands of protesters went to the street demanding justice. Floyd’s brother in Houston said that they treated him worse than they would treat an animal.

The Mayor of Minneapolis Jacob Frey hosted a news conference to apologize to the citizens and immediately removed all four policemen from their duty.

In Houston, Chief of Police Art Acevedo also issued a statement saying that when bad policing happens, it disproportionately impacts communities of color and poor communities.

It is very sad that when the coronavirus is still attacking our land, we are facing the highest rate of unemployment in modern history. The lines of people asking for food are getting longer. And we don’t see any economic recovery in the near future. We are so very worried that the poor communities will have more social unrest.

The presidential election is drawing closer. Both the Republican and Democrat parties argue whether or not people can vote through the mail and whether both parties can even get delegates together for their conventions?

All the politicians will use their power to try and convince the voters. President Trump and challenger Biden are still urging use of the masks. Meanwhile, Twitter adds Fact Check to Trump’s Twitter account.

We are urging all the community leaders to unite and carefully examine what each candidate is saying. We are the country founded on freedom, liberty and human dignity. When we look at the police brutality, it is so sad to see such sarcasm in light of our highest values.






我們呼籲這是我們社區應該覺醒之時侯了,這也更是我們以選票來表達我們意願之關鍵時刻,我們在強力譴責警察暴行之同時, 有無數之社會不公繼續在社會各階層上演,我們號稱是人權自由立國,是何等之諷刺和悲哀啊。