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社評0117 川普在愛荷華州取得重大勝利

社評0117 川普在愛荷華州取得重大勝利


前總統川普昨天在愛荷華州舉辦的共和黨提名中得到重大勝利, 為他岌危之政治生涯注入了強性針, 黨內競爭對手遥遙落後。

由於2021 年元月六日在華府國會山莊之騷亂遭到參院彈劾, 但隨後宣告無罪 。

川普自稱將恢復美國之偉大為號召, 目前正在遙遙領先共和黨參選者, 不論官司如何纏身 ,他極可能成為下屆共和黨總統候選人,再度挑戰拜登總統。

在其競選之政見中, 他大力主張在德州及其他州開採地下石油, 把所得還國債, 並將立即關閉國境, 驅遂非法移民, 並主張美國盟邦必須支付美軍之保護費, 這些政策非常合乎許多保守共和黨之味口。

我們相信如果川普再度回到白宮, 美國對外政策將會有重大改變 ,包括中美台三邊關係, 是禍是福實在難以预料。

( 图片来源: 路透)

Trump Wins A Major Victory In Iowa

Former President Donald Trump won the Iowa caucuses in a landslide and this is a crucial step in his bid to be the Republican party's nominee for president. The rest of the party’s competitors are far behind. 

Trump was impeached by the Senate due to the riots on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, but later, he was subsequently acquitted. 

Trump called for a return to his 'Make America Great Again' program if he becomes the Republican candidate. This will be a big challenge for President Biden. 

Trump told his supporters that when he becomes president again he will act on the exploitation of underground oil to help pay for the national debt. He would also close the border and ask our allies to pay for military protection. These policies are very inline with the beliefs of many conservative Republicans. 

We believe that if Trump returns to the White House, there will be major changes in U.S. foreign policy, including the relationship with China.