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社評0122 達拉斯華亞裔之驕傲

社評0122 達拉斯華亞裔之驕傲


週六晚上在達拉斯菲裏斯凱悅大酒店參加了達拉斯美中商會舉辦的龍年新春晚會,令人十分振奮和感動。 這家耗資數億美元之豪華大酒店和巨大商城是由韓裔獨資興建, 並且已成為達拉斯地區之重要地產指標。

當晚之大會有近千人參加,幾乎所有當地之政要都已出席, 並且邀請到上屆參加民主黨總統提名競選的華裔候選人楊安澤作了主題演說。 他呼籲大家必須去投票來彰顯我們的力量, 只有團結才能爭取到更多的權利, 他鼓勵大家要多為社會慈善盡力。

晚會上十多位政要分別向華亞裔恭賀春節, 他們認為大達拉斯地區之多元族裔是我們推動社區繁榮之最重要力量。

我們深深體會和見証到華亞裔在當地之經濟實力和貢獻, 一位參加晚會和我隣座的電腦公司老闆非常感慨地表示, 我們用自己的所學技能,長期在此貢獻和發展, 卻如何還會受到歧視,這是非常不公平和遺憾的事。

在冷風中我走出了這座華麗之酒店, 內心充滿了感觸, 這個國家和土地都是我們共同建造的。

he Pride Of Asians In Dallas

Last Saturday we participated in a Lunar New Year Gala to welcome the Year of the Dragon held by the Dallas U.S.- China Chamber Of Commerce at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas. It was a very touching and exciting occasion. This luxury hotel and shopping mall was built by an Asian American businessman. It has become one of the most successful projects in the Dallas area. 

Nearly one thousand people attended the gala and almost all of the local politicians and leaders participated and delivered new year messages to the Dallas Chinese and Asian community. Andrew Yang, a prominent Chinese American politician and former Democratic presidential  primary candidate, was the keynote speaker. He called on everyone to go out and vote to show our strength. Only in unity we can win our rights.