社評 0130 清華才子 自毀前程

清華才子 自毀前程
加州矽谷本月中發生老公把妻子毆打致死案, 二十七歲清華狀元高材生陳姓在美國取得學位後和他于姓同時也是清華高材生同時在谷歌工作, 由於感情問題常把妻子打傷並在警方記录在案, 不料本月中旬在他們價值二百多萬美元之自宅中活活把妻子重拳把死, 這真是令人震驚而且難予接受之慘案, 陳姓兇嫌已經被捕。
這對年輕之夫妻從清華一直到谷歌, 不過數年光景, 本身優異條件可謂少年得志, 登上美國高薪族 ,更成了科技新貴, 而他們之婚姻確非常艱辛因而經常有家庭暴力。
我們也不難看出, 這些來自清華北大之高材生在美國非常容易飞煌騰達, 一步登天, 因而在文化上也有非常大之差異, 稍有不慎即會誤入歧途。
非常遺憾她們在黃金年華就喪失了前途 ,而最悲哀的還是父母親友和師長, 培養一個人才是多么不容易 ,令人非常遺憾 。我們也只有向他們之家人致上由衷之哀悼, 請他們節哀順變了。
Tsing Hua Talent Self-Destructs His Future
In Silicon Valley California, a case occurred in which a husband beat his wife to death in the middle of this month. A 27-year-old surnamed Chen and his wife are both graduates of Beijing Tsing Hua University. After they earned their degrees, both of them worked at Google in the United States. Due to family problems, the husband often abused his wife and had a known record of complaints filed with the police department. Unfortunately, in the middle of this month, he beat his wife to death. Chen was arrested by the police and put in jail.
This young couple is a perfect example of a lot of young, smart
and gifted students who come to America and become high-paying professionals. In a very short period of time, they experience severe culture shock and can’t manage their marriage.
It is very sad that this young couple has lost their golden future at such a young age. The saddest thing is that this tragedy has deeply affected their parents, friends and family members.
We can only extend our heart-filled condolences to their families.