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社評 0205 族裔團結 抱團取暖

社評 0205  族裔團結 抱團取暖

族裔團結 抱團取暖

我們生活在這塊土地上的各族裔社群, 由於各種歧視和國內外情勢之變化,正在遭受前所未有之挑戰。

在德州邊境一場激烈之邊防爭議已經被國外稱之為美國內戰將起,以色列在加薩走廊之復仇之戰引起阿拉伯裔之怒吼, 俄羅斯和烏克蘭已經交戰二年, 共和黨正在準備今年十一月重返白宮, 川普說要將美國重新偉大並揚言對世界各國都要徵收貨物進口稅,如果成為事實,世界經濟格局將是重大重組和改變。


多年來,我們曾經盡力在各種不同之塲所舉辦各種活動, 透過不同型態之組織, 來彰顯對社區之關懷。

就在本週六由各族裔社團共同舉辦之新年遊園會及第一屆國際工商大展將由市長惠特邁主持剪綵, 代表了我們之一份團結力量 ,也是我們對推動休斯敦經濟發展之貢獻。


Ethnic Unity Group To Stay Together

The communities of all ethnic groups living during these current times are suffering unprecedented social challenges due to various legalistic changes that initiate, and then encourage discrimination at home and abroad.

The volatile situation at the Texas-Mexico border is being called the next "American civil war" by people abroad. Israel’s revenge battle in the Gaza corridor has caused a furor in the Arab world. Russia and Ukraine have been at war for two years over a long-standing feud. Donald Trump is trying to return to the White House in the 2024 election. He has promised that he will make America great again and restructure the world economy and make sweeping changes in the U.S. federal government.

Over the years, many of us as new immigrants came here to help build this country together and now we have made it the place that we call home.

For this upcoming Saturday, we have jointly organized with all the ethnic communities to celebrate the Lunar New Year which will be presided over by our new Mayor John Whitmire.

We are here to welcome the Year of the Dragon to celebrate our cultural  heritage and to express our united community.