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社評0215 教會的槍聲

社評0215   教會的槍聲


一名三十七歲女子上週日在德州休斯敦最大的教會企圖向教徒開槍後最終被兩名保安擊斃 ,她七歲男童也頭部受傷並在救治中。

由全國著名的宗教家奧斯廷主持之雷伍教會, 位於休斯敦五十九號公路旁, 每逢週日有數萬人及許多在線信徒參加崇拜, 奧斯廷牧師總是以極其樸實之口語, 来鼓勵和勸人為善, 他在宗教界擁有極高之地位。

根據警方資訊, 這名女暴徒有精神病之病歴, 在生活及精神之壓力下, 出此暴行, 可幸的是並未造成重大之傷亡。


我們的社會真的病了, 多少在貧窮綫下生活的人民, 由於生活之壓力精神上也出了問題, 這些弱勢族群, 是社會上一股極大之憂慮, 政府和民間都要施出援手。

如此暴力事件發生在教堂是比較罕見, 其對社會造成之心理影響也非常大, 槍支管制和個人自由是個非常大的爭議問題 ,這也是我們極待解決之難題。

( 图片来源   路透社)

Gunfire In The Church 

A 37-year-old woman was killed by police after she tried to open fire in a church last Sunday. Her seven-year-old son was also injured in the head and is being treated in a hospital in critical condition. 

Lakewood Church presided over by Pastor Joel Osteen is located near Highway 59 in Houston, Texas. Lakewood is considered to be one of the largest churches in the nation and the pastor always encourages his members to lead a good life in extremely simple spoken language.

According to the police record, the woman's name was Genesse Moreno who lived in Conroe,Texas, and had a long history of mental illness. 

At a press conference, Pastor Osteen encouraged the people to keep strong and pray for world peace. 

Our society is really sick. Many people are living in poverty and also have mental problems due to the pressures of life. This vulnerable group is a great concern for society. The government and private sector needs to help them.

Gun control and personal freedom are very controversial issues which are also problems that we all need to solve.