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社評 0217 我們啟動德州休斯敦國際工商博覧會

社評 0217 我們啟動德州休斯敦國際工商博覧會


由美南集團主辦的第一屆休斯敦國際工商博覧會定於今年十月中旬召開, 這將對休斯敦未來向國際招商引資之工作有極大之影響。

德州做為全美第二大及全球第八大經濟體, 近年來受到全球之矚目和重視。 而休斯敦更是在太空科技、 能源、 醫療佔有世界領先地位, 近年來不斷有新市民遷入, 在全美之經濟版圖中居於領先地位。

工商大展將分成三大部份 ,首先配合美南新聞創立四十五週年及國際貿易中心成立二十二週年, 將主辦國際經貿文化研討論壇,邀請國際級之政要、 學者及企業文化界主持, 第二部分是現場各種展覽, 邀請德州休斯敦及隣近城市之各行各業和來自全世界各地之投資者面對面交流, 進一步瞭解各項投資機會, 第三部份是安排代表們參觀各地之企業、 醫療及太空事業 。

一個龎大之籌備委員會已經成立, 並邀請五十位政要工商及社區領袖參加, 並將於近期舉行記者會向各界提出詳細計劃。

  We  Launch The International Business Expo In Houston, Texas 

The First Houston International Business Expo hosted by Southern News Group and the International Trade Center is scheduled to be held in mid-October of this year which will have a great impact on Houston’s international investment and business.

Texas, as the second largest economy in the United States and eighth largest in the world, has always received global attention in recent years. Houston is the leading city in areas including medical care, space technology and energy on all the maps of the world.

Our upcoming First Houston International Expo will be divided into three parts. It will also celebrate the 45th anniversary of Southern News Group and the 22nd year of the International Trade Center. The Expo will be hosted by international scholars, politicians and leaders from several different industries. The second part will be on the exhibition site where delegates will have a chance talk to participants face-to-face. The third part will consist of city and industrial tours in Texas.

A large preparation committee has already been established and fifty dignitaries from commerce along with community leaders have been invited to be part of it. We are very excited about the Expo and we will host a news conference in the very near future.