社評0301 人間有愛 巨額捐款興學

人間有愛 巨額捐款興學
美國紐約投資致富之富豪高斯曼之遺孀日前捐款十億美元給紐約愛因斯坦醫學院, 能讓該校學生享有學費全免之待遇。她曾經是該醫學院董事會主席長達五十五年之久, 她的義舉震撼了全球教育界, 更充分證明我們這個社會充滿了愛心。
陸特高斯曼在捐款儀式上非常感謝她已故的丈夫放手把他們的資金由她來管理,能夠把這筆禮物捐給這麼有價值之事業。 當天之大會讓全院師生歡喜若狂, 真是天降甘露之感。
根據全美醫學院二0二三年之統計, 全美醫院院學生至少有百分之八十四是以貸款完成學業 ,平均貸款數字在二十萬美元。 這間醫學院每年學費是六萬元加上生活書籍費大約每年要十萬美金, 換言之他們今後將全免了。
我們非常感謝和敬佩高斯曼夫婦之善舉, 這代表了他們對社會關懷之高度情操 ,由於他們的捐獻, 今後會培訓更多優秀之醫療人員為社會貢獻力量。
這筆十億美元之捐獻, 也是對大家最好的社會教材 ,許多事業成功而致富的人, 應該體認取之於社會用之於社會之觀念, 大家共同為貧困階層伸出援手, 讓社會帶來更多之溫暖及和諧。
There Is Love In The World. Huge Donation Made To Medical College
The widow of David "Sandy" Gottesman as part of a wealthy couple in New York recently donated one billion dollars to the Einstein Medical College where she has been a chairwoman on the board for 55 years. Her righteous act shocked the global education community and fully proved that our society is full of love.
At the donation ceremony, Ruth Gottesman thanked her late husband for letting her manage their fund which made it possible to donate this gift to this meaningful cause. On the same day, the teachers and students were overjoyed.
According to statistics of national medical schools in 2023, at least 84% of students in medical schools have loans averaging $200,000. The annual tuition is about $60,000 and adding living expenses, the cost to the students is about $100,000 per year. In other words, they will be exempted from payments in the future because of the Gottesman's gift.
This billon dollar donation also is the best social textbook for everyone. Many of us should learn how to give back freely to our society. We all need to lend a helping hand to the poor and bring more warmth and harmony to our society.