社評 0311 趙安吉命案事件之省思

可稱為美國華人第一家庭趙錫成家族么女趙安吉於今年春節在德州奧斯汀莊園因駕駛特斯拉汽車有誤而溺水遇難,因事發後警方正在調查真正原因, 至今才真相大白是意外車禍溺水死亡 。
自事件發生之後, 引起國內外各界人士之高度關注。 主要是趙安吉目前是趙家企業之掌門人, 也是前美國交通部長趙小蘭之胞妹, 他們一家人之成就是華裔在美國之表率, 不但事業成功, 還捐贈四千五百萬美金為哈佛商學院建樓, 趙家對於自己是華裔後代非常感到自豪, 並繼續在海外傳𠄘華夏文化。
趟安吉事件發生之後, 被一些海外華文媒體及不肖之徒籍此大做文章, 對趙氏家族極盡攻擊羞辱之能事, 主要是利用自媒體以假新聞來欺騙聽眾和讀者。
我們試問:“ 目前已經知道實情, 對那些荒誕無稽之猜測 ,製造假新聞要如何解釋? ”
這些媒體败類, 大家要認清他們的真面目,千萬不可再觀看哪些假新聞了。
Angela Chao, the daughter of James Chao, from the family that can be called the "First Chinese American Family of America," drowned in a Tesla car accident in Austin, Texas.
Not only was the tragedy so very sad, Angela Chao has also been running the family's global business. She is the younger sister of former Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao. The achievements of the Chao family members are outstanding examples of Chinese Americans. They are not only successes in their business, but also donate $45 millions of dollars to build a new building at the Harvard Business School. The Chao’s family are always very proud of their Chinese heritage.
After Angela’s death, some of the Chinese media used fake news to attack the Chao family.
We should tell these so called "newsmen" that we already knew the true story about the terrible tragedy, so how are you people going to explain your fake news?
We are the media that people need to report the true stories to and we will always be responsive with the real facts to our society.
Today, using only a social media platform. one person can be their own "news station" and report any rumors and really hurt our community.
We are here to urge all our readers and listeners to really use your own judgement to decide what is the real news.