社評0326 恭賀溫轍士特出任聯邦小商業局局長

德州大休斯敦地區聯邦小商業局上週宣佈由馬克溫轍士特出任新局長, 他是我們多年好友及合作伙伴, 我們在此表示由衷之祝賀。
聯邦小商業局多年來, 一直是國際貿易中心長期支持之機構, 並且經常向此地區之中小企業展開各種不同之貸款服務, 為地方經濟繁榮有着極大之貢獻。
過去十四年來,他在副局長任內曾經主管人事及起草戰畧目標和各企業之合作 ,包括在大休斯敦區內的三十二個郡。
我們定於四月一日設午宴來慶賀新官之上任, 並將邀請華亞裔及國際區之工商領袖共聚一堂,來討論如何促進此地區之經濟發展。
同時我們將請求小商業局能支持即將於十月三十日至十一月一日舉辦之休斯敦國際工商博覧會, 希望吸引更多之國際工商人士前來德州投資, 開創國內外工商界之商機。
Congratulations To Mark Winchester On His Appointment As Director Of The Houston SBA
The Federal SBA of Greater Houston announced last week that our old friend Mark Winchester has been appointed as the new Director of the Small Business Administration in Houston. We would like to express our heartfelt congratulations on this important appointment.
Over the last several years, the SBA has been a long-term supporter of the International Trade Center and has promoted the SBA programs at many ITC meetings and has made a great contribution to the local economy.
During last 14 years, Mark has
been the deputy director of the
SBA and has effectively led the organization and worked with various enterprises including 32 countries with representation in the greater Houston Area.
We are scheduled to hold a luncheon on April 1st of next week at our STV Global Club and have invited many local community leaders to meet the new director.
At the same time, we will continue to promote our First Houston International Expo to be held on October 30 to Nov. 1 at the Hilton Americas Hotel that will attract thousands of international investors to come to Texas to invest and create more business opportunities.