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社評0402 中小企業局長之加持和鼓勵

社評0402  中小企業局長之加持和鼓勵


大休斯敦區聯邦中小企業局新任局長溫轍斯特週一上午來到了美南聞聞總部和國際區中小企業業主們進行了一切誠懇和友好之交流, 他的談話感動了我們, 更為我們於十月三十日即將舉辦之首屆休斯敦國際工商博覧會給予強力之鼓勵和加持。


溫轍斯特局長先後參觀了美南集團印刷厰、 電視制作中心及環球第一銀行新建大樓工地, 他高度讃揚美南集團及國際區近年之繁榮是對德州及休斯敦地區之楷模。



The Blessing And Encouragement From Our New SBA Director

Our dear friend Mark Winchester came to the headquarters of Southern News Group Monday and held a sincere and friendly exchange with Asian business owners and members of the international community. His talk moved us and gave his strong support to the First Houston International Expo that is scheduled to be held on October 30th-November 1st in Houston, Texas. 

Over the last several years, the SBA and the International Trade Center have jointly held countless business seminars at ITC. Especially during the epidemic, the SBA has brought timely training to all of us. 

Director Winchester visited our press room, TV production center and the construction site of Global One Bank. He also highly praised the prosperity of the International District as a model for Texas and Houston. 

In my welcoming remarks representing the country of Guinea as its Honorary Consul, I expressed my hopes to bring Houston to the world through the Houston International Expo. 

Gigi lee represented Mayor Whitmire and Joanne Ray represented City Controller Hollis and both expressed their high hopes for the upcoming Expo.

The welcome lunch for the new SBA Director Winchester was attended by dozens of international community business leaders and elite groups. They all agreed to form a new Southern Global Business Association.