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美國新冠疫情日記06/08 Shake The World - Floyd Coming Home

美國新冠疫情日記06/08 Shake The World - Floyd Coming Home

Shake The World - Floyd Coming Home

A group of Houston faith leaders came together to pray and asked for protection for change. They asked Mayor Sylvester Turner for the expansion and greater visibility of the independent police oversight board. They also stated the need for more police department diversity as well as the need for de-escalation training for all law enforcement officers.

The final viewing of George Floyd will be held today at The Fountain of Praise Church in southwest Houston where mourners will be able to view his casket. His funeral will be held tomorrow followed by burial in the Houston Memorial Gardens cemetery in Pearland where he will be laid to rest next to his mother, Larcenia Floyd.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will be Houston today to meet with Floyd’s family. Former Secretary of State General Colin Power said in a television interview that Donald Trump has not been an effective president. Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis and General John Allen have declared that the U.S. constitution is under threat.

In the last two weeks the George Floyd protest and demonstration movement has become a worldwide event and has included many European countries. Southern Korean people are now openly supporting equal right for all its citizens. In the meantime, the coronavirus pandemic still continues to spread around the globe. The world is now facing its biggest challenge since World War II.

Under our constitution, it is very clear that the president is not the only person who can control the federal government. We also have the U.S. Congress and the Supreme Court to balance the government’s power. We are not going to allow any politician to abuse and steal the power.

We as Asian Americans today are facing the issues like other minority groups. The immigration, college entrance exams and other equal opportunity issues all could affect our next generation’s rights.

George Floyd’s case teaches the nation and the world a very big lesson: the people and leaders need to work together to solve the shared universal political and economic issues. Otherwise, the threats to our civilization will continue.

    重返故土 全球震撼

休斯敦各宗教領袖今天發表專文, 要求市長泰納及市議會増加各族裔人士參加獨立的警察行爲督察委員會 ,並希望市府盡快增加各族裔之警員人數, 以確保佛洛伊德事件之重演, 他的遺體今天在休斯敦供各界前往吊唁, 並將在明天同葬在和他母親安葬之梨園市公墓。

前副總統今午將到達休斯敦親自慰問佛洛伊德家屬, 非裔前國務卿鮑爾週末在電視訪問中激烈批評川普不是一位有效之總統, 他不斷分化我們, 汙蔑移民 ,得罪盟友,不遵重憲法,包括前國防部長馬蒂斯在內的軍方退役將領都同聲譴責川普要動用軍隊鎮壓示威群衆。

兩週來全國各大小城鎮展開的示威遊行, 已經在世界各地蔓延 ,包括南韓歐洲在內的許多國家都以實際行動來聲討這次之虐殺事件, 加上新冠病毒在美國及許多國家還在蔓延 ,各國面臨經濟之下滑,此種內憂外患之困境是全球經濟大蕭條以來最大之挑戰。

面對國民之憤怒,大家共同希望政府體制及政治之改革 ,這項浩大之工程有許多曆史上的因素, 我們有憲法來行使政策,在叁權分立的基礎上,除了民選總統, 我們還有國會參衆兩院及高等法院,最重要的是人民的選票來互相制衡 ,我們決不允許執政者濫權違害國家利益。

今天我們做爲非裔、亞裔及拉丁裔之國民這是我們要團結共同努力的時候了, 大家難道沒有看到我們週邊環境在改變嗎? 移民政策、 大學入學、升遷機會 ,都在影響我們公民權利及下一代之生存。

佛洛伊德事件帶來了全世界之震撼 ,各國內部多年存在的社會歧視問題在全面爆發, 這場社會革命是禍是福,尚待我們共同去撐握去爭取, 人類文明進步才可確保。