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美國新冠疫情日記06/09 Our Nation Is At The Crossroad

美國新冠疫情日記06/09  Our Nation Is At The Crossroad

                 Our Nation Is At The Crossroad

Today George Floyd will buried in a Pearland cemetery next to his mother. Hundreds of thousands of people have gone to the streets worldwide to protest and demand change.

Floyd’s case shows that our nation is at the crossroad.

We came here to this beautiful land from all corners of the world. Most of the immigrants were looking for the America Dream and they helped build our country. Like all of us, in the last three months, because of the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of my friends have suffered financial difficulty. Their businesses could not survive. Many have closed the door. They have lost almost everything. And the pandemic is still spreading in the community. These days all of us feel uncertain and hopeless.

Today our country is facing an unprecedented crisis situation. The U.S. law enforcement has a basic structure of discrimination toward minority groups. We have given law enforcement too much power, and in many cases, they still use excessive power.

With our whole community still complaining about the pandemic, the economy went down and the jobless rate went up. This is the reason why so much unrest has been caused in the cities. Plus, our leaders don’t even try to calm the protesters. They just pour more oil onto the fire.

We are so angry and need to point out that the world is watching this strongest nation. Many people want us down and they are using the media to attack us.

We are urging all our brothers and sisters that we as a nation we need to be united. We came here looking for a better life. We need to be in control of our future in our own hands. One of the best methods is to go out and vote and select a better leader for us.



美國,我們在此落地生根的美麗土地真的生病了, 做爲一個國民, 我們有責任和義務來愛護這個國家, 自從新冠病毒侵襲的叁個月來, 我們目睹多少中小企業已經不支倒閉,多少移民在此創業之成績毀于一旦,目前各地疫情還未控制,大家對前景之焦慮和無望在增加中。

我們目前所面臨之巨大挑戰,來自有許多原因,美國司法制度對黑人及少數族裔存在有結構性之不公平及歧視,美國憲法中之許多條文是以當年白人多數爲基礎,法律給予執法之警察太多權力, 曆史上多少執法過當而令人致死之案件,比比皆是, 最終被判刑之警察還是少數。過去叁個多月來,新冠病毒之襲擊,把美國經濟帶入深淵,造成民不聊生,失業人數激增,社區民心動蕩,動亂一觸即發,更令人失望及憤怒的,領導人在火上加油,不但不平息民怒,還要動員國家軍隊來鎮壓手無寸鐵之老百姓。

今天全球正在密切關注我們這個世界第一強國,看看全世界之各種媒體,包括亞洲華人世界, 無不在興風作浪,唱衰美國。

我們要大力呼籲,美利堅共和國是我們大家要共同愛護支持的國土,我們來自全球各地爲了追求美好的生活, 大家同舟共濟,參加投票,以選票來改變未來。