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每日社評 0606 警民同樂 共創美好家園

每日社評 0606 警民同樂 共創美好家園

警民同欒 共創美好家園

上週末一場大型震憾之警民同楽晚會在休斯敦林波大酒店舉行, 近七百位華亞裔社區人士為了表達對警政人員之谢意, 每年皆依例舉行,這項餐會具有非常特殊之意義。

晚會在警察局組成之舞獅團之鑼鼓聲中掀開序幕, 主持人李雄及陳卓鋼向大家表示熱烈歡迎, 代理休斯敦警察局局長斯德怀偕同高級警官上台向大家致意,並代表警察局全體同仁表示感謝亞裔社區多年之支持和協助治安工作。赫里斯郡警長根紥拉也在致詞中表示他對亞裔社區之設宴款待表示由衷之感謝, 並号召更多之華亞裔青年參加警務工作,为社區治安貢獻心力。 

多年來,在大休斯敦地區之警方和我們社區建立了親切友好之關係, 凡是遇到災難或治安事件,他們大多能及時援助。但是由於警局人員短缺,治安工作也面臨極大挑戰。

Asian Community Hosted A Police Appreciation Dinner

Last weekend more than 700 citizens from the community got together at the Lambo Restaurant in Houston and hosted an Appreciation Dinner  to express our sincere gratitude to all our police officers. 

With the sounds of the lion dance group performing for the police department, hosts Kennth Li and Loan Chan extended a warm welcome to everyone. Harris County Sheriff Gonzales and the acting police chief of Houston came to  the stage to greet everyone, and on behalf of all their colleagues at the police stations, expressed their gratitude to the Asian community for their support and assistance in public safety work over the years. 

Sheriff Gonzales also said in his speech that we should urge the young people in the Asian community to join the police force. 

Over the years, we have established a good relationship with the Houston Police Department and still maintain a very friendly relationship. Due to shortages in the city's budget, the department is still facing challenges.