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美國新冠疫情日記06/10 Better Tomorrow

美國新冠疫情日記06/10  Better Tomorrow

Better Tomorrow

Thousands gathered in Houston, Texas, yesterday to bid a final farewell to George Floyd the man who sparked outrage and protests across the world. The people are demanding change and they hope the funeral isn’t the end, but instead will mark the beginning of that widespread call for change.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner says he will sign an executive order that will ban the use of chokeholds by officers in the city of Houston. Turner said in the city you have to give a warning before you shoot someone. In some cities, they are asking to defund police departments or greatly reduce their budgets.

We are so glad to see the reopening of the City of New York. Governor Cuomo rode the subway with other New Yorkers in the past one hundred days. New Yorkers have been suffering enough. The Wall Street market represents the U.S. and the world economy.

In this coronavirus pandemic, the whole nation has endured such pain, and this is the first time we have ever faced this challenge. More than one hundred twenty thousand people have now lost their lives to the pandemic in the U.S. and two million confirmed cases have been reported. We are the richest country in the world. Why have we handled this crisis so poorly?

We saw George Floyd resting peacefully. Now we as a nation need to look ahead. How can we correct our mistakes with kindness and love and not with hate?

We all are looking for a better tomorrow to come.


弗洛伊德之葬禮昨天在休斯敦盛大舉行數千上萬之民衆前往吊唁 包括市長特納和國會議員格林在內的非裔人士在葬禮上發表了慷慨激昂的演說, 他們認爲弗洛伊德已經改變了世界。

特納市長今天頒佈了一項行政命令要求警方從此後禁止使用直扼咽喉方式執法 並要警員開槍前發出口頭警告在全國示威者之訴求中他們要求全部或局部刪除警察局之預算。

大蘋果紐約市及紐約州今天已經逐步開放,州長柯孟和市民一起搭上地鐵, 這是紐約市封城一百天來的首次,我們欣見代表世界政經中心的紐約重新注入活力,華爾街之重新開放,代表了我們未來的希望。

自從疫情肆虐以來全國各大小城市接受了前所未有的嚴峻考驗美國人被視爲天之驕子地大物博從未受過世界大戰之苦難但是此次之病毒竟然有二百萬人感染死亡人數已超過十二萬人, 此次災難重創了國家之經濟及人民之信心, 什麽我們號稱之世界最富有之國家還弄到大家束手無策。

