每日社評0626 川普要向美國大學畢業的外國學生發綠卡

Trump Wants To Issue Green Cards To Foreign Students Who Graduate From American Colleges
Former President Trump said in a podcast interview that if he enters the White House again, he intends to issue Green Cards to
all foreign students who graduate from American universities. This statement aroused high concern from all walks of life, because during his tenure, Trump strongly opposed high-skilled immigrants entering into the United States.
We strongly and enthusiastically support Trump’s Green card policy, which will cause more than one million Chinese Asian university graduates to stay in the United States which will make great changes in
the culture and economy of our society and enhance our political strength.
Regardless of whether this is only the political language of the U.S. presidential election, most of the students from all over the world who study here are excellent talents from their respective countries. It is definitely a great thing if they can stay in the United States and get Green Cards.