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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日社評0627 圓夢時刻

每日社評0627  圓夢時刻








The Moment When A Dream Comes True 

At morning's dawn on Tuesday, the chief engineer and I arrived at the construction site of the Global One Bank building on    the Southern News Compound. The giant crane has been slowly squirming in the sky above the construction site. Dozens of workers have lifted and hung    up the huge cement wallboards from the ground on the foreman’s order. Everyone straightened up the 60-foot-high wall panels supported by a giant steel pipe and locked it into place on the ground. 

When the red sun rose in          the east, there were already  three cement walls on the construction site. I appreciated the dozens of sweaty workers who are fulfilling the first chapter of our dream of building a bank financial center. 

Today, Global One Bank has achieved a surplus of assets   in just one year, which is a   very rare achievement. At the 

present time, our deposits and customers are growing at a rapid pace. 

The bank building on Bellaire Blvd. in Houston is rising proudly from the ground. My wife and all of our colleagues are constantly watching the completion of the building, which is also the time for all of us together to realize that our dream has come true.