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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日评论0715 天佑美國

每日评论0715 天佑美國






共和黨大會即將正式提名川普為總統候選人,他一定會以英雄姿態準備大幹一番, 對許多平民老百姓而言,他的主張將對美國及全世界有重大影響,我們只有祝福[天佑美國]了。

  God Bless America!

While attending the Miss Chinatown Beauty Pageant on Saturday night, I.   

was shocked and dismayed to hear the news of the attempted assassination     

of former President Trump. The bullet missed him by only a hair, and only the quick action of his security detail prevented a major tragedy.The 20-year-old assassin was shot and killed on the spot. One bystander was killed and two others were critically injured by the assassin's barrage of rifle shots.

In the aftermath of the attack, President Trump raised his arm in a gesture of defiance strongly displaying his commitment to continue to fight. This iconic image set against the backdrop of the American flag, was both stirring and inspiring. This is a significant and unexpected victory for the former president.

Today our nation is deeply divided. The competition between the Democratic

and Republican parties has reached a fevered pitch with many political views being diametrically opposed. This polarization has created a dangerous rift within the nation causing many negative consequences in our society .

Gun violence is another pressing issue that continues to plague our society. The rampant proliferation of firearms has made it nearly impossible to control gun-related crime. A young man used a rifle that belonged to his father to shoot the former president, which seems so unbelievable and ridiculous.

The Republican Party is ready to nominate Trump as their presidential candidate   

for 2024. He will definitely prepare for 

the big job now as a huge hero. His future will affect many of us and also the entire world. We can only say, "God Bless America!"