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美國新冠疫情日記06/16 Celebrating Southern News Group’s 41th Anniversary

美國新冠疫情日記06/16 Celebrating Southern News Group’s 41th Anniversary

Celebrating Southern News Group’s 41th Anniversary

Business Never Closed The Door

Today, June 16, 2020, is the date we are celebrating our forty-one years anniversary. In the past so many years, Southern News Group has witnessed dramatic changes in the world from the end of the Vietnam war, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rising power of Asia. We are recording all of the events, but most of our success should go to all our colleagues, loyal customers, readers and viewers.

Today, the Coronavirus still is spreading around the nation. My colleagues in Houston, Chicago, Washington DC, Dallas, Seattle, St. Louis and Portland never cease in their duty to work on reporting the news, broadcasting on the TV stage and never miss printing the newspaper. Their working spirit and sacrifice will definitely be recorded in the history of the media.

Today we are one of the largest Asian media groups in the nation. We have had a very loyal working partnership in the last several decades. We have experienced a changing world from the end of the Vietnam war, economic crisis in the 80’s and a financial crisis in 2008. We went through all the hardships because we have a very strong team working in different cities and just as important, we have had so many of our loyal community supporters.

Even though we are still facing this virus spread and demonstration unrest all over the nation, we still need to remain calm. We firmly believe that we can overcome.

Today, Southern News Group is changing. We incorporated the traditional media into the new media to create television, website, yellow pages and travel guide all on the internet. We also are planning to create an education program online as well as offer financial and medical services in the near future. We are going to utilize the media platform to better serve our community.

Most importantly, we need your continued support and trust. We will all work together for a better tomorrow.




今天在全國疫情仍然十分猖獗之時我們在休斯敦、 芝加哥 、華府 、達拉斯、 西雅圖、 聖路易 、波特蘭等地的工作同仁在全美各地不懼疫情每天都站在新聞最前綫爲社區作出巨大貢獻美南報系及電視新媒體從不打烊天天出版每天播報大家愈戰愈勇,犧牲奉獻的精神已經爲華人傳媒曆史增添了一頁。

我們今天能成爲全美最大的獨立亞裔媒體之一, 是多少有志于媒體工作夥伴的共同努力 ,我們這支刻苦耐勞不懼艱難的隊伍曾經過世界政治之巨大變革及美國八十年代及千年代之金融危機我們非常慶幸在美利堅共和國這片自由競爭社會開放之土壤讓我們有施展努力工作之機緣最終要感謝的還是全美各大城市和我們共同成長不棄不捨支持我們的商家讀者觀衆及社區領袖。

值此全疫情仍未得到控制各地騷亂不斷, 經濟下滑之時我們要再度呼籲大家保持冷靜我們深信這些亂不安之亂象終將過去就如過去數十年我們曾經共同身受之變局一樣大家要同舟共濟共度難關。

美南新聞在順應大時代科技之變化中已在急速轉型站在傳統及新媒體之高度我們已經把紙媒電視網站及新媒體全面結合今後並將在網路教學、 金融醫療服務推出新的計劃在大媒體平台的支撐下我們要爭取迎接更新的挑戰。
