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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日评论0904 親如手足 情誼彌堅

每日评论0904  親如手足 情誼彌堅

親如手足 情誼彌堅








A Very Strong Relationship And Close As A Brother

Almost twenty-three years ago, I remember the summer when an African-American gentleman walked into our newly finished Southern News Media building. He went straight to the point and said he wanted to run for the position of U.S. Congressman to represent our district and needed our support. I looked up at this polite gentleman and he went on to tell me that he had served as a Justice of the Peace for many years and had a rich and long-standing experience in the judicial community.

After more than a year, he was finally elected as a member of Congress and has been serving up until the present time.For many years Congressman Green has been the most enthusiastic person that has ever served our community. He was the first elected official to come to our community and lend a hand whenever there was a natural disaster. At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, he did not hesitate to go and dine in the restaurants and shop in the supermarkets to help stimulate their businesses.
We visited many cities in Asia together including Beijing, Shanghai, Shang Dong and Taipei. He was impressed everywhere he went, and he especially enjoyed the hotel breakfasts. He was able to eat five eggs in the mornings and he said that he gained five pounds after he came back home.

Whenever I went to Washington D.C., he always entertained us with lunch on Capitol Hill.
Last night several friends held a banquet for Congressman Green to celebrate his birthday. We are so lucky to have such a kind man of high integrity serving us in the U.S. Congress.