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每日社评:0914 完美之人生~一個移民的故事

每日社评:0914 完美之人生~一個移民的故事


今晨參加了索菲亞関振鵬夫人之葬禮天主教追悼儀式 ,在近二個小時之祈禱祝詞聲中,整個莊嚴壯觀之天主教堂, 來了數百位中外人士向索菲亞做最後之敬禮, 她的一生充滿著移民生活之寫照。

一九四七年出生在大陸的她,嬰兒時即和家人逃居香港, 在這塊英國殖民地她成長在中英文化之薰陶之下, 進了天主教学校接受英式教育,以後來到美國後可說是無縫接軌, 她在年青時嫁給了関振鵬律師, 半世紀來她們形影不離共同創建了享譽全美之律師樓, 関律師後來從政官拜代市長,當他官塲得意時希望再上一層樓, 但索菲亞不甚贊同而作罷。

索菲亞之葬禮座滿了中外人士,祝禱詞分別都由洋女婿宣讀, 唸至悲傷時頻頻拭淚,令人感動. 他們家上下都是中外姻緣,𠒇孫滿堂, 混血𠒇𠆤個長得英俊挺拔帥氣。

索菲亞在她超過半世紀之移民生活中, 有非常精彩之生活及恩愛如恆之另一半,此生足矣。

A Perfect Life- The Story Of An immigrant

This morning we attended the Catholic Memorial service for the funeral of Sylvia Lai-Yin Lau Quan, wife of our dear friend Gorden Quan. Hundreds of friends came to the holy, solemn and spectacular Catholic church to pay their final salutes to Sylvia. Her life was full of an immigrant's life.

She was born in China in 1947. When she was just a baby, she and her family fled 

to Hong Kong. In this British colony, she grew up under the influence of an English education at a Catholic school. After 

she came to the United States, it can be said that she was seamlessly connected. She found a good husband and married attorney Gorden Quan. For more than 

one half of a century, they have been inseparable. Gorden jointly created a famous immigration law firm and later became a city councilman-at-large and also Deputy Mayor of Houston. He wanted to go to the next level, but Sylvia did not agree and so he gave up.

Sylvia has had a very wonderful life and family. She should be very happy and rest in peace.