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每日评论1001 慶祝幾內亞國慶

每日评论1001 慶祝幾內亞國慶


出任西非幾內亞共和國駐徳州名譽總領事迄今已有三年之久,幾內亞位於大西洋,南臨利比裏亞,北臨幾內亞比紹,面稹二十四萬平方里,人口約一千百萬人,人均收入一千四百二十七美元。主要依賴農業和礦產生產,它是世界上第二大鋁土礦生產國,目前已經和124 個國家建立外交關係,幾內亞奉行睦鄰友好不結盟外交政策。





 We Celebrate Guinea’s National Day

It has been three years since I was appointed as the Honorary Consul in Houston, Texas to Guinea. Guinea is located along the Atlantic ocean. Bordering the country of Guinea-Bissau, it has an area of 240,000 square miles and a population of 13.86 million, and a per capital income of $1427. It mainly relies on agriculture and mineral production. It is the world's second largest producer of bauxite. Guinea has established diplomatic relations with 124 countries and pursues a good-neighborly, friendly and non-aligned foreign policy.
Due to the slow economic development growth of the country, Guinea is listed as the poorest country in the world. The reason for this is that education is not advanced enough and the country is still focusing on the area of agriculture cultivation development.
We are preparing to organize an industrial and commercial delegation to visit Guinea in February of next year, especially focusing on the agriculture, tourism and economy sectors. We hope to help them build more hotels and strengthen the agriculture mechanization to provide food self-sufficiency for the country.

At present, we are also recruiting a batch of medical equipment from Houston to be shipped to Guinea to help the hospitals there.
I am very grateful to serve as Honorary Consul, and I will try my best to do the job.