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每日评论1011 休斯敦國際博覽會揭開序幕

每日评论1011 休斯敦國際博覽會揭開序幕


週三傍晚我們在休斯敦糖城黃氏豪宅舉辦了休斯敦國際博覽會酒會,為本月三十日即將揭幕之大會暖身。當天出席的有國會議員, 國務院官員,總領事外交官,前市及郡官員,工商界領袖NBA球星等上百位名人,這是一次休斯敦華亞裔國際社區之盛會。

博覧會主席前郡長艾克斯首先在酒會中表達對各界人士給予之支持, 此次大會必然是對德州及全美之國際交流及經濟有卓越貢獻。國會議員格林盛讚國際貿易中心發起主辦這次博覽會之重大意義,這象徵著亞裔及國際社區對國家之卓越貢獻。

美國國務院區域辦公室代表斯卡特代表國務院向大會祝賀, 並將邀請二十多位駐在德州之外交代表總領事參加博覽會, 以增進雙方之文化經濟交流和發展。


墨西哥前駐北京總領事瓦爾在會中表達國際交流之重要性, 並將促成更多工商界人士前往墨西哥投資和訪問。

這項國際交流活動得到圆滿成功, 稍後我向款待佳賓之主人黃兄寫道:


承蒙熱忱款待, 謹代表全體華亞裔國際社區及首屆休斯敦博覽會表示由衷之感謝. 對兄嫂之華廈及美食讃口不絕. 兄之雄材大畧對社會之貢獻更是有目共賭。

Houston International Expo Kick Off Party

Last night we held a Houston International Expo Kickoff Party at Larry Wong‘s mansion as a warm up to the upcoming event. Hundreds of celebrities including our Congressman, Diplomats, State Department officials, City and County elected officials, an NBA star and many business leaders were in attendance.

The Chair of the International Expo, former County Judge Robert Eckels, expressed his appreciation for all the people who are supporting the event. 

"The Expo is bound to make an outstanding contribution to our city and to our nation," Eckels proclaimed.

Congressman Al Green praised the great significance of the  International Trade Center initiative to host the Expo. State Department Representative Scott Bell said they will help to invite some of the Consul Generals to attend the Expo.

Consul General of Angola Ana Nascomenta expressed her expectations for the Expo for people to build closer relationships between African countries and the United States.

After the successful party, I wrote this letter to our host and hostess:

Dear Larry and Stella:

Thank you for your warm hospitality. We enjoyed our visit to your beautiful mansion and tasted and enjoyed your delicious food.

                                                                       We are proud of your great success in business which also represents your contributions to our city and to the nation.