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每日评论1011 休斯敦国际博览会揭开序幕

每日评论1011 休斯敦国际博览会揭开序幕


週三傍晚我们在休斯敦糖城黄氏豪宅举办了休斯敦国际博览会酒会,為本月三十日即将揭幕之大会暖身。当天出席的有国会议员, 国务院官员,总领事外交官,前市及郡官员,工商界领袖NBA球星等上百位名人,这是一次休斯敦华亚裔国际社区之盛会。

博覧会主席前郡长艾克斯首先在酒会中表达对各界人士给予之支持, 此次大会必然是对德州及全美之国际交流及经济有卓越贡献。国会议员格林盛讚国际贸易中心发起主办这次博览会之重大意义,这象徵着亚裔及国际社区对国家之卓越贡献。

美国国务院区域办公室代表斯卡特代表国务院向大会祝贺, 并将邀请二十多位驻在德州之外交代表总领事参加博览会, 以增进双方之文化经济交流和发展。


墨西哥前驻北京总领事瓦尔在会中表达国际交流之重要性, 并将促成更多工商界人士前往墨西哥投资和访问。

这项国际交流活动得到圆满成功, 稍后我向款待佳宾之主人黄兄写道:


承蒙热忱款待, 谨代表全体华亚裔国际社区及首届休斯敦博览会表示由衷之感谢. 对兄嫂之华厦及美食讃口不绝. 兄之雄材大畧对社会之贡献更是有目共赌。

Houston International Expo Kick Off Party

Last night we held a Houston International Expo Kickoff Party at Larry Wong‘s mansion as a warm up to the upcoming event. Hundreds of celebrities including our Congressman, Diplomats, State Department officials, City and County elected officials, an NBA star and many business leaders were in attendance.

The Chair of the International Expo, former County Judge Robert Eckels, expressed his appreciation for all the people who are supporting the event. 

"The Expo is bound to make an outstanding contribution to our city and to our nation," Eckels proclaimed.

Congressman Al Green praised the great significance of the  International Trade Center initiative to host the Expo. State Department Representative Scott Bell said they will help to invite some of the Consul Generals to attend the Expo.

Consul General of Angola Ana Nascomenta expressed her expectations for the Expo for people to build closer relationships between African countries and the United States.

After the successful party, I wrote this letter to our host and hostess:

Dear Larry and Stella:

Thank you for your warm hospitality. We enjoyed our visit to your beautiful mansion and tasted and enjoyed your delicious food.

                                                                       We are proud of your great success in business which also represents your contributions to our city and to the nation.