每日评论1105 今天是總統投票日

( 图片来源:路透社)
Today Is Presidential Voting Day
Today is voting day for the election of the President and Vice President of the United States.The 59th national leader of the country will be elected and the 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 33 seats in Senate will be re-elected.
A report on the voting results received before the Election Day ends will be released at 8:45pm tonight, and the report on today’s voting results will be released at approximately 9:45pm.
The vast areas and different time zones do not allow all of the results to be obtained tonight, but the National Election Office must release the results by December 5th of this year.
The United States is still the world’s most powerful country. Whoever enters the White House, their political position will affect the future direction of the world. Our role as the 'world's policeman' for a long time in the past will have to undergo major changes.
As far as we are all concerned about as Asian Americans is racial discrimination. We must unite to fight against the unjust bill and oppose it to the end.