休斯頓市議會授予 Park Eight Place 步行場所稱號

德克薩斯州休斯頓 市于 2024 年 11 月 5 日將其首個由開發商發起的步行場所稱號授予 Park Eight Place,這是 Westchase 區一個占地 70 英畝的新綜合用途開發項目,以更健康的生活方式爲中心。
休斯頓市于 2020 年啓動了步行場所計劃,旨在通過創建行人友好環境的建築設計標准來促進步行、自行車和公共交通的使用。
Park Eight Place 位于 Bellaire Boulevard 和 Beltway 8,將擁有更寬的人行道、引人入勝的店面、舒適的種植緩沖區和街道通透性,這將有助于在整個項目中促進安全和步行的通道。
“這一稱號是對開發商將行人體驗放在首位的努力的認可,他們讓步行更加安全,進出建築物更加方便,並提供了更多有機聚集的空間,”休斯頓市議會 F 區議員 Tiffany D. Thomas 說道,“這些開發項目,例如 Park Eight Place,旨在成爲人們可以生活、工作和娛樂的目的地,所有生活便利設施都近在咫尺。”
Park Eight Place 的發展規劃是成爲一個繁榮的城市村莊,體現健康和便利,同時促進社交聚會和創新,使其成爲人們聚會的更健康場所。
“我們將 Park Eight Place 開發爲一個明確的步行場所,因爲這是正確的做法,”Park Eight Place 總經理 Charles Lusk 說道。“它旨在讓那些渴望戶外活動和想要更多鍛煉的人受益——即使在城市環境中——它將創建一個框架來支持當地企業,讓人們可以輕松地光顧這些企業。此外,位于這裏的公司將在五分鍾的步行路程內擁有員工想要的便利設施。而這些只是其中的一些好處。”
衆所周知,散步對健康有很多好處。經常快步走可以幫助預防或控制心髒病和 2 型糖尿病、強健骨骼、提高能量水平、改善情緒和認知能力、增強免疫系統、減輕壓力和緊張。此外,哈佛醫學院下屬的哈佛健康出版社報告稱,每周步行七小時或更長時間的女性患乳腺癌的風險降低 14%。每周步行五到六英裏不僅可以減輕關節炎相關的疼痛,還可以預防關節炎的形成。
Park Eight Place 將進一步鼓勵更健康的生活方式,它與相鄰的 200 英畝的 Arthur Storey 公園相連,並在 Brays Bayou Greenway Trail 沿線打造一個目的地,將 Katy 與休斯頓市中心及其他地區連接起來。
“我們設想 Park Eight Place 的居民可以騎自行車乘坐地鐵去醫療中心上班,然後沿著小路騎車回家,”Lusk 說。
Park Eight Place 將融合各式各樣的美食、文化和娛樂選擇,以人性化的方式反映休斯頓的全球品味。
幫助 Park Eight Place 煥發生機的是 Gensler,一家全球設計、建築和城市規劃公司;TBG Partners,景觀建築、城市設計和場所營造領域的領導者;BGE(前身爲 Brown and Gay Engineers),休斯頓最大的土木工程公司之一;以及許多其他可持續發展、社區複原力、能源和碳減排領域的領先專家。基礎設施建設工作將于今年晚些時候開始。
更多信息請訪問 www.parkeightplace.com。
(Houston, Texas – Nov. 5, 2024) - The City of Houston has awarded its first developer-initiated Walkable Places designationto Park Eight Place, a new 70-acre mixed-use development in the Westchase District that is centered on healthier lifestyles.
The city launched the Walkable Places program in 2020 to promote walkability, biking and transit use through architectural design standards that create pedestrian-friendly environments.
Located at Bellaire Boulevard and Beltway 8, Park Eight Place will feature wider sidewalks, engaging storefronts, comfortable planting buffers and permeability to the street that will help promote safe and walkable access throughout the project.
“This designation recognizes efforts of developers to put the pedestrian experience first and foremost, allowing for safer movement on foot, easy entry into buildings and more spaces to gather organically,” said Houston City Council Member Tiffany D. Thomas, District F. “These developments, such as Park Eight Place, are designed to become destinations where people can live, work and play with all of life’s conveniences just a short walk away.”
The vision for Park Eight Place is to be a thriving urban village that embodies health and convenience while fostering social gathering and innovation to make it a healthier place for people to come together.
“We are developing Park Eight Place as a defined walkable place because it’s the right thing to do,” said Charles Lusk, General Manager of Park Eight Place. “It’s intended to benefit people who desire being outdoors and want more exercise — even in an urban setting — and it will create a framework to support local businesses that allows people to easily stop into those businesses. Additionally, companies located here will have the conveniences their employees desire all within a five-minute walk. And those are just some of the benefits.”
Walking is known to have a multitude of health benefits. According to the Mayo Clinic, regular brisk walking can help prevent or manage heart disease and type 2 diabetes, strengthen bones, increase energy levels, improve mood and cognition, strengthen your immune system and reduce stress and tension. In addition, Harvard Health Publishing — part of Harvard Medical School — reports that women who walk seven or more hours per week lower their risk of breast cancer 14 percent. Walking five to six miles a week can not only reduce arthritis-related pain but can prevent arthritis from forming.
Park Eight Place will further encourage healthier living by connecting to the adjacent 200-acre Arthur Storey Park and creating a destination along the Brays Bayou Greenway Trail that links Katy to downtown Houston and beyond.
“We envision residents of Park Eight Place to be able to ride the METRO with their bikes to work at the Medical Center and then bike home along the trail,” Lusk said.
Park Eight Place will be a mix of eclectic culinary options, cultural and entertainment options that reflect Houston’s global tastes at a human scale.
Helping to bring Park Eight Place to life are Gensler, a global design, architecture and urban planning firm; TBG Partners, a leader in landscape architecture, urban design and placemaking; BGE (formerly known as Brown and Gay Engineers), one of the largest civil engineering firms in Houston; and many other leading experts for sustainability, community resiliency, energy and carbon reduction efforts.Work on infrastructure is set to begin later this year.
More information can be found at www.parkeightplace.com.