
Letter To Our Family
Dear Brother and Sisters -
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has ordered bars to close again and restaurants to reduce seating capacity to 50% amid a surge in new coronavirus cases.
Outdoor gatherings of more than 100 people must now have approval of local officials. Harris County has raised the county’s threat level to its highest rating. County Judge Lina Hidalgo is asking Harris County residents to remain at home except for essential trips.
According to the survey, Houston Southwest is hardest hit, especially in the Chinatown area. We want all in the area to be extremely careful.
This pandemic is the biggest challenge for the world and our nation. It also has left most of us facing financial and psychological difficulties. The reason is the lack of leadership and we now need international joint forces to solve the problem.
Dear brothers and sisters, most of you came to this beautiful land because you wanted to pursue a new life. Many of you also experienced political disaster from your old home. I know you are very strong to face this current crisis.
America still is the richest and strongest country in the world. We have full confidence that the worst time will soon be over.
Please go to your friends and neighbors and community and try your best to help each other.
With the best wishes,
Wea Lee
From Houston, Texas
疫情嚴峻 大家保重
新冠疫情之瘟疫肆虐是對全球最大的一次挑戰,也是我們旅居美國僑胞有史以來最嚴重的困境,我們可以斷言,這是天災 也更是人禍。
我們大家生活在一個非常幸運也是非常不幸的時代,多少年來,我們大家離鄉背井,爲了追求更美好的人生來到美洲大陸, 在這𥚃落葉生根,這𥚃就是我們的家,我們更要以當家做主的積極態度來關心自己的事務。
美國仍然是世界最富有及強大之國家,我們不要對人禍造成之溷亂太過悲觀, 國家的前途仍然是撐握在我們手中。
各位兄弟姐妹們 ,請你關注一下自己週遭的友人、隣居及社區,大家要守望相助,共同戰勝病毒,雨過天晴的日子一定會很快到來。