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每日社评:1207 重返華府途中

每日社评:1207 重返華府途中


日前接到幾內亞駐美國大使佛班電話, 希望我能迅速回到華盛頓接待幾內亞政府訪問美國之代表團,今晚我即搭機回到華府,準備明天參加接待代表團之會議。


在我的人生規劃中,曾經在大學時非常羨慕外交官對國家之貢獻,希望有朝一日能代表國家出席各項國際會議,這個夢想始終未能如願。一直到四年多前,在一次接待幾內亞總統來訪之機會被總統孔戴任命為駐休斯敦之名譽總領事,非常偶然地成為外交代表並參加了休斯敦外交領事團, 雖非全職,但也能為早年之願望得予實現。

On My Way To Washington, D.C.

After I received a call from the Guinean Ambasador Kaba last week, she wanted me come to Washington to greet a delegation from Guinea. Tonight I am on my way again to our nation's capital. 

I was appointed by the Guinean government almost four years agoas the Honorary Consul in Houston, Texas. Since then, I have tried to do my best to help this western Africa country out with efforts

of a donation of medical equipment and the promotion of education. Finally, we received some donated equipment and got it ready to ship out to Guinea. In my early years, I dreamed about    becoming  a diplomat 

and participating in international meetings and enjoying the real diplomatic life, but it was not what I had really wanted at the time.

Many years later I came to Houston because I had an opportunity to greet President Conde at my home. Suddenly, I was appointed as Guinea's representative in Houston, Texas.

I am very proud and honored to hold this esteemed title that has made my dream come true.