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每日评论1211 墓前思親

每日评论1211  墓前思親



在我幼小時之记憶中,父親是個標準的讀書人,人人都稱他們是李老師和趙老師,因為她們在年輕時就在雲南龍陵縣裡為人師表, 父親不久後更當上了龍山鎮鎮長,他們曾經有過輝煌之年青歲月,可惜好景不長,隨著政局之巨變,他們變成流浪他鄉之異鄉客,在一個全然陌生之大環境中重新尋求生存之道。






    Visiting My Parents' Grave

Last weekend I came to the Washington, D.C. suburb of Rockville to visit my parents' grave again. Accompanied by my sister and brother-in-law, I bowed to them. It has been seven years since my mom passed away. When she was 97 years old, she left us forever.

In my childhood memories, my father was a standard scholar. Everyone called him and my mom Master Lee and Teacher Lee because both all them were teachers in our hometown, Longlin, Yunan province in China. Soon after my dad became the County Judge of Longlin County, they 

had a glorious younger life. But unfortunately, the good times did not last long. With the political situation with great changes, they had to leave the country and adjust to a completely strange environment.

When they moved to Taiwan in their middle age, they faced another new challenge. Fortunately, our brothers and sisters were well aware of the hardships of our parents. Finally, we were able to move to America and start our new life. Without the courage and vision of our parents at the beginning, the fate of our family would have told another chapter.

This afternoon, once again in this green and condescending cemetery, we knelt in front of our parents' tombstones. We reported to them that our sisters and brothers still stick to our posts 

in the news media business, continuing service to our community. This is our honor and also our responsibility.

Although it was cold on the banks of the Potomac River, the sun shined through the black marble tombstone of my parents, and it was inlaid with condolences from the Governor of Maryland, Senators and Congressmen.

The high-hanging color photo of my parents is still cheerful. This pair of ordinary people in an extraordinary world who gave 

birth to us, raised us, and loved us, brought us into this world.

Reluctantly, when I left my parents' cemetery and touched the eulogy on the tombstone again, my tears dived down, and deep sadness came with it.