
First Issue Of Voters News
The 2020 election has already started all over the country. We are not only going to select our next president as well as our U.S. congressmen, we as the leading Asian media group will actively participate in this important election by publishing a special issue of Voters News.
In the last four decades our goal has always been to serve the local community and to join the local community in many events. Every election time our national correspondents team reports a wide variety of news to inform the local community. At the same time, we also strongly encourage all the ethnic groups to participate in the election and go vote.
2020 is a very special year for all of us because of the coronavirus pandemic and the racial issues we are facing. The biggest challenge our nation faces now is also on the crowded roads.
We are very happy and proud that we have a very smart team. We will be using many different languages in our coverage, including English, Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese in the pages of the Voters News and will coordinate all the election action with our Southern TV and company websites to record the election history.
Voting is our right and responsibility and we are urging all of you to use your vote to make the important decisions for our country.
Time is running out. Our nation is in a real crisis. Please go to your neighbors, friends and colleagues and family members and join hand to hand to save our lives and to save our nation.
Voters News is our strong commitment and represents our willingness to expose the many issues facing the nation at this critical time and to build a platform for politicians and give them an opportunity to express their opinions.
Finally and foremost, we need your support, your comments and your leadership.
首期選舉戰報公開發行 政治列車正式上路
2020美國大選及各地區之國會議員選舉活動已經如火如荼的展開,美南新聞當然不可缺席, 我們從即日起在大休斯敦、福遍及哈裏斯郡將以電視新媒體及快報方式,發佈及報道選舉新聞 ,以便讓所有選民能加入選舉行列。