每日社评:12212024我們要ITC 在洛杉磯紥根

我們要ITC 在洛杉磯紥根
此次我們前來洛彬磯走訪了銀行界,地產開發商,科技公司及食品加工等華裔企業人士,並代表休斯敦市府向大家介紹大休斯敦之近況,他們對於前往德州地區表示強烈之意願,尤其是川普上任之後會促成在德州大量開採石油及天然氣, 必將帶動休斯敦之經濟活力。
We Want ITC To Set Foot In Los Angeles
Over the years, the International Trade Center, established by Southern News Group in Houston, Texas, for twenty-two years now, has produced world-class events including a global business expo, symposiums and forums designed to promote the cultures and economies between Texas and the world.
This time when I came to Los Angeles I visited with many entrepreneurs in various fields including banking, real estate, the food industry and IT companies. They all have expressed a strong willingness to come to Texas, especially knowing that after Trump takes office, an increase in oil exploitation activity in the state will positive drive the Texas economy.
We decided to set up a branch office in Los Angeles to encourage all interested investors to come to Texas and visit the ITC 'home office.'Many of them are from the Asian countries and many wanted to move their factories to America. Houston and Texas should be the best choice for their business growth.
We are ready to invite the first group to come and visit the International Trade Center and Global One Bank in Houston on January 15th of next year.