每日社评:1228 我們贊成大學畢業生都給綠卡

候選人任總統川普日前在一次演說中再度表示, 他將在其任期中立法要求給予在美國大學畢業的外國學生発給綠卡居留證,包括社區大學畢業生在內。我們對此表示舉雙手贊成,也是川普上台後的一大德政。
We Are In Favor Of Giving Green Cards To College Graduates
President Trump reiterated in a recent speech that he will call for all foreign students who earn a college degree to be granted Green Cards, including students in community colleges. We raise our hands in favor of this idea.
It is worth saying that we are definitely an immigrant country. For more 200 years, migration from all over the world has built the prosperity and progress of the United States.
According to statistics, more than half of all the Fortune 500 companies were built by new immigrants, and more than half of Nobel Prize winners were new immigrants.
The foundation of a country lies in education. Among the millions of foreign students in this country today, there are many elite from all over
the world. We will need their help to continue to build up our nation.