每日社评:1230 我們即將進入2025

川普總統上台只有三個星期,他的要美國重新偉大之政治口號席捲總統大選,對他而言,如何重振美國經濟是重中之重。他揚言要收回巴拿馬運河,要加拿大成為美國之第五十一州,對許多人而言可能是玩笑一句,但是對川普而言,有他稹極之意義. 就如一個䧟入困境的家庭,美國債台高築,要美國強大非得採取非常手段,要全世界之財富回到美國 因此他必然會向全世界要求美國保護之國家收取保護費,強徵關稅也是手段之一.。
We Are About To Enter 2025
2024 is about to be a time in the past. For us, the return of former President Trump to the White House will affect the future direction of the United States and of the world. Time will give us the answer. Meanwhile, AI technology is already here and is starting the "Second Industrial Revolution" which will replace many human jobs and lifestyles.
In the last election, President Trump won the race with the majority of votes with the slogan, "Make America Great Again." Trump's top priority now is how to revive the economy. He is now threatening to take back the Panama Canal and make Canada the 51st state of America. It may sound like a joke for many people, but for Trump,
words have great meaning. If we want to make "America Great Again", it must require extraordinary measures by the United States. Therefore, it will inevitably involve the collection of protection fees from other countries around the world that need our protection, and also the imposing of tariffs on imported goods is also one of themost critical means to be employed.
We cannot predict whether the United States will completely abandon the globalization trade system and ties to international organizations. The only entity that can can fill the vacuum that may be created will be Mainland China.
We don’t want to see the tensions between the U.S. and China escalate. As President Trump has said, the cooperation between China and the U.S. can solve all of the world's problems.