每日評論0101 新年新展望

新年新希望,在每個人之生命歴程中總有人在抱怨時光易逝無法撑握自己之未來,遇到困難和挫折就會退縮不前,感覺生活空虛無味,得過且過. 但是有些人則持正面積極之態度面對人生,凡事都能以克服困難之態度去解決。
New Prospects For The New Year
The great changes over the last one hundred years are now ushering in the first day of 2025. With the rapid development of AI technology and an ongoing war, humanity is facing new challenges. The world situation seems fragile, unpredictable and overall, either a disaster or a blessing.
A new year brings new hope. In everyone’s life, there are always people who complain that time flies, and that they can’t hold on to their future. But other people face life with a positive attitude and think that every problem can be solved with an attitude of overcoming all difficulties.
Today is indeed an era of great turmoil. Most countries in the world are facing a widening gap between the rich and the poor. This is biggest social issue facing many countries of the world.
We are looking forward to the arrival of the new year and wish we could end the war and improve the people's living standards, and then the world will have a lasting peace.